As a celebration of the 53rd Nigerian Independence day, a social campaign to support a Nigerian business owner in financial distress has been developed by Dudunorth.
To support this campaign, a few bloggers and entrepreneurs have donated funds to bridge the gap in a Nigerian residents’ business finances. If you own a business and you’ve been facing major financial setbacks, they want to help you get back on your feet by investing in your craft.
There are only THREE requirements:
- You must be a Nigerian resident (i.e. Nigeria is your permanent country of residence)
- You are facing a MAJOR financial business challenge
- You make less than N160,000/month
To participate,
Visit DUDUNORTH'S PAGE to answer these three questions:
- What is your craft (business)?
- Have you started this business?
- Why do you need financial support? Explain very briefly
Deadline to participate: September 30th, 2013
On October 1st, three individuals would be chosen for an interview (regarding your need). Of these three, ONE individual would emerge as the winner and presented with a cheque exceeding $1,000 (N160,000)
G O O D L U C K 
***Don’t forget to subscribe/like the donor’s websites/Facebook pages to stay updated on their crafts
Pink Pearl Foundation
The Kaleidoscopian
Shot by Shakes
M.I.M Chronicles
Omon Imo
Design Cook Love
Change and Revolution
Sh3 Is…
Tubi Films
Pink Pearl Foundation
The Kaleidoscopian
Shot by Shakes
M.I.M Chronicles
Omon Imo
Design Cook Love
Change and Revolution
Sh3 Is…
Tubi Films
*** Don't forget to Like my Facebook Page too SISI YEMMIE'S FACEBOOK PAGE
**p.s: you can comment on behalf of a friend, but the winning prize must be claimed by the friend

This is a good idea. It's good to always stretch a helping hand.