Blogging is fun, an adventure, can be incredibly satisfying and also financially rewarding when you "blow". I started blogging over 6 years ago and like I've mentioned in a lot of blog posts and I did not really start making money till about 2/3 years ago. Blogging was a hobby for over 4 years but after a while I had to give myself brain when I realised I could actually turn it into a career which is what I am doing now. I am a full-time blogger in Nigeria and it was not easy making that transition but I can tell you that it is possible. Let's talk about how I made my first Million+!
Egypt announces first new royal tomb since King Tutankhamen was discovered
over 100 years ago
Archaeologists have announced the discovery of the first royal tomb in
Egypt since Tutankhamun's burial was uncovered in 1922.
16 minutes ago