I was tagged to do the 20 random facts about me. I've
done 10 random facts sometime last year on my Instagram page so I go just add
10 more to that one make e for complete. So here goes:
1. I don’t like sharing my personal stuff, I will not share my spoon, clothes, jewellery, towel, sponge, makeup brush…no matter how close we are. I don’t like sharing personal items! I'm very content with my own.
2. I believe that there’s nothing God cannot do and my most difficult moments I have overcome by simply believing, ”something awesome can happen any moment now”!
3. I am very driven and if I want something I work extremely hard for it. My passion keeps me going. Very ambitious as well! Very very very very, this brain does not sleep.
4. I’m not very athletic, anything that’s going to make me sweat, I would not participate in. Emi o raye iyen. Probably why I keep stalling on joining a gym. Or jogging. Or taking a walk.
5. I don’t like cold cereal, I’m a bush girl and it must be hot. That’s why I still stick to old cornflakes with hot water and liquid milk. Keywords "hot", liquid milk".
6. I have 2 “God Marks” those types that look like a black boil, one on my neck behind my right ear and the other beside my belly button on the left. A friend of mine used to call them my "reset buttons".
7. I am very forgetful…I don’t know why. You can ask me something that happened last week and I will not remember. My brain will be blank! It’s like there’s an auto reset button when I go to bed. This is why I'm glad I started vlogging, I can always watch an old video and be amazed at the content.
8. I don't know how to feel a moment - delayed reaction. If something extremely wonderful happens to me I'll be passive then tomorrow you'll find me jumping on the bed excitedly as if I just received the news! My emotions are delayed. Anybody else like that?
9. I was born on a Friday!!! #TGIF!
10. I ENJOY when I’m alone, I’m never bored with my own company. If I don't have alone time I start getting frustrated.
11. When I am in the mood, it doesn’t take more than 30 minutes to write up a blog post. My best posts have been written in 10 minutes! Writer l'omo. LOL
12. My favourite colours are yellow, pink and teal! It used to be just pink. Lately I can't seem to resist the other colours. I'd happily live in a room filled with all these colours.
13. I’ve always dreamed of being on the cover of a magazine /billboard…what shall I be doing there? I don’t know but e go happen. Put me in touch with someone that can make this happen.
14. I’ve always wanted to own a very fancy orphanage and all the children will bear my name and they would love it because it is the bestestest orphanage home EVER and I will be their mommy!
15. Whatever my career is, my ideal is one that allows me to stay in bed all morning, and then decide whatever I want to do with the rest of my day. Career = Lazy? Help me figure it out
16. I wear size 41 shoes; UK 71/2 is my best fit. For someone my size, you’d think my feet was smaller.
17. I don’t like chocolates, I can hardly finish more than a scoop of ice cream, I don’t have a sweet tooth. I don’t like snacking. If I’m hungry give me real food like starch and banga, jollof rice. Etc. don't placate me with sandwich.
18. I cannot swim…I sink in water. I think I am afraid of water. Semilore’s mom tried to teach me once, it didn’t werk. So….have I given up? I don’t know. Bobo is a good swimmer, maybe one day he will teach me.
19. I HATE mathematics. If you want to make life horrible for me tell me to calculate anything. You will frustrate me.
20. I love choice. That's one of the most important things in life, in my opinion. Whenever I feel constrained financially, emotionally, etc I am very very angry! LOL. I should be able to do what I want, when I want...but life's not like that abi?
21. I am very very very shy. *stares at feet*
21. I am very very very shy. *stares at feet*
Sorry I couldn't stop at 20! LOL Thanks Berry for tagging me! I realise I have somethings in common with her: I don't like drinking water, or any liquid so I am always dehydrated, I love being short, wish I was shorter. I'd love to live from hotel to hotel...LOL. I don't like powdered milk. I have my dad's nail shape but its a good thing!
I tag
Ehen, I want to get to know my readers too! Tell me at least one random fact about you! Or something similar we have in common!

My favorite color is Teal..
ReplyDeleteThe Beautiful Eagle
I am very territorial. I do not like 'people' up in my space. Maybe that's why I still don't have a maid :-(
ReplyDeleteI also cannot swim and i love pink. Could have sworn you were a size 39. For someone of your height, you have a big feet!
ReplyDeleteI Am an introvert at first sight but an extrovert when we get on the same level.....when I say same level, I mean same craze level........hehehehehe
ReplyDeleteMoment with Zoe
8, 10, 11, 15 and 19. Lol I can only calculate maths that has money symbol behind it.
ReplyDeleteYea Sisi,those are wonderful facts about you.I feel you for the number 1 facts.I don't like sharing personal stuffs too.I also have phobia for water.My first experience on 3rd mainland bridge was funny,I kept on closing my eyes in my uncle's car.lol!Fact 19.I DON'T LIKE FIGURES AT ALL.When I see figures and formulas,shit dey always catch me...hehehehe.Number 7 is absolutely true but good for you which means you will not be keeping records of wrongs because you would have forgotten about it.TGIF!shadeshako@yahoo.ca
ReplyDeleteI cannot swim. I have a HUGE phobia for water...
ReplyDeleteBeht Sisi I also tagged you nah :(
mami water. lol
DeleteWhenever I feel constrained financially???are we not always constrained financially???abi u be Dangote
ReplyDeleteMe; I cant keep friends . Get tired of people easily
ReplyDeleteI dont know how to say no ,when someone needs my help
Am very emotional,can cry for anything
I love children...praying to God to open up my fallopian tubes ,so I can mines ....tears
pls i nid ur help...
DeleteAwww! This is so me
DeleteEverything seems like me, I can't keep friends,I really suck@doing that&i hate to see a ladies underwear dirty or a lady's room messy
ReplyDeleteI ENJOY when I’m alone, I’m never bored with my own company. same 4 me too, nd oh i hate mathematics if u wanna kill my mood jus ask me math questions.. lol cant swim too... but i lov cold cornflakes
ReplyDeleteWe have 14, 17 and 18 in common... Want an orphanage, dnt like chocolate and can't swim.
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting reading random stuff about people. Let me go and find other 20 facts and read....
ReplyDeleteI Loooove my space!! and enjoy me time...my friends complain that i can stay indoor the whole weekend and not see even my neighbours. I HATE people using my stuff without asking me first!!
ReplyDeleteI do love calculations and mathematics..so straight forward.
I claim i dont like pink cos its too girly, yet more that half my closet reflect that hue...smh
Hello Sisi Yemmie, I just got to know ur blog yesterday and I've bin reading all the readable and I can say it's bin thrilling. You're very jovial and funny. Bobo YomYom is a lucky man.
ReplyDeleteWe av somtins in common such as never being bored wit masef, hate swimming and also mathematics. Buh u've already achieved no 13 with ur wedding pic on the ma wedding promo or so billboard. So it shud be out of ur list unless it has to be a personal pic of u.
that funny never would thought you were a shy person
ReplyDeleteOhyea... I love my space too but sometimes it's always mistaken for not being accommodating especially from ones in-laws- married women should relate to this. It's a typical problem I face with my in-laws that are battalion!
ReplyDeleteYes I agree with you. Even hubby sef I need space from sometimes. Then in laws that are always visiting on weekends that I want to use and rest and have my quiet time I can't.
DeleteI always enjoy your blog. its true, 'writer' lomo.
ReplyDeleteI have several 'reset' buttons too on some choice parts of my body, like you. I don't like sharing personal things too, and can be quite shy. I do enjoy my own company as well.
I don't like water, I freeze up on third mainland bridge. Can't use the butt of a bottle to draw 0, am so bad in maths and calculations basically. I love my own space too, i love your blog too
ReplyDeleteErrrrrr......I think no 13 has already happened.
ReplyDeleteAwwwwwwww @ no 14......that's really sweet!
I don't like chocolates either, and I really can't swim. I started learning one Tim, and then I stopped. I have to start again though.
I'm very shy too.
And I was born on a Thursday.....3.2kg
8 and 18 I can relate WELL!
Cant believe u wish u were shorter. Lol.
ReplyDeleteI like being tall
I hate numbers too. Write it in words, and i'm game :)
ReplyDeleteNice post sisi,i love bein alone as well,especially wen am sein movies,i hate noise,i cant swim n i love Amala!!!
ReplyDeletei hate mathematics,i dont like mede mede too,ilove being in my company
ReplyDeleteThis why I think we should be friends! I can relate to most of your points (except for chocolate and swimming) Working out has a lot to do with your mind, you mentioned that you are driven? That's most of what you need. As for forgetting things and delayed reactions, I forget movies and I have to sometimes extract my delayed emotions lol...and ditto to alone time, it helps. I get you!!!
ReplyDelete19)Mathematics! Bane of my life.
ReplyDelete17) I love Chocolates and snacking. I prefer snacks to eating sef.
180 I can't swim. I love water on a good day but i am also afraid of being in a large expanse of water if that makes sense.
I haaaate being short jare.I wish i was a lil bit taller.
I also like alone time.I never get get bored with myself.
ReplyDeleteI am very forgetful too... my elder brother actually says I have selective amnesia..he will try and try, describe and describe something he is so sure I should remember and I will just be staring blankly at him.used to frustrate him silly.lol
I love my alone time.
ReplyDeleteI also don't like sharing my personal stuff.
ReplyDeleteawwww beautiful.... lol you want them all to bear your name. ....There is nothing God can't do it just a matter of time
ReplyDeleteSisi I can't believe u are a shy girl. Not with all ur bold videos. Love u no matter what.
I'm very shy and actually don't like people being careless with my personal belongings
I'm also very forgetful n i love eating food at the bottom of the pot (burnt) ,weird ryt?
ReplyDeleteYour number 1 is so like me, i don't like sharing my stuffs too. And that 11 eh same tin o, i don't get bored with myself @ all. Nice 1 sisyemmie
ReplyDeleteFinally, i meet someone who also dislikes drinking water. I could finish my meal and stare at the glass of water till i lose interest and move on. I only drink water when i'm extremely thirsty. Its probably why i have a dry skin. *off to make Starch and Banga soup*
ReplyDeletei love my freedom more than anything else....#smiling#
ReplyDeleteAh, I get that delayed reaction thing and sometimes for the sake of the dear friend with the jumping news I try to "jump" too....weirder.....but half a reaction is better than none...abi?
ReplyDeleteI'm a little bit of an introvert kinda shy, and quiet but when my toes gets stepped on gazillion times and I blow out, I don't go 10% and stop, I go 100% speed out. :)
ReplyDeletewe have some things in common. I love my space too much lol, I don't like chocolate, I forget too easily.love pink and yellow. Don't really like maths unless of course it has to do with cash lol, I' m very driven, I wear UK Size 41 and I am short, I'm shy but friendly. www.naijaimpressions.com
ReplyDeleteThanks for tagging me sisiyemmie :), had so much fun. i guess we have lots in common :D.
ReplyDeleteHmmmmm, sisi yemi weldone o.....nice one sis. Ladies/guyz, check this out www.greenlandgossip.blogspot.com is your one stop media for all entertainment updates, news, trends,ideas and many more...am sure u ll like it.thanks
ReplyDeleteSisyemmie is shy? lol. The shy ones always have a lot say, really.
ReplyDeleteI'mm shy too. :)
lol sisi yemmie we av lots in common most of ur facts are so meeee! im write dem out on my fb page now seffff. tnx for sharing
ReplyDeleteI just discovered your blog and I love it... so unique. I can relate to you on a couple of random facts, very few though... but I love drinking water, it's so refreshing... I take it first thing in the morning and as often as I feel like until I fall asleep and of course I will pee throughout the day. I love Mathematics...probably the only subject I can confidently teach. I love my own company, infact I blossom during my quiet 'me' time, I can stay indoors for a whole week...with my movies and a bowl of spicy chicken wings peppersoup... Thank God for my body type.
ReplyDeleteLovely read :). we have a whole lot in common, I think bloggers generally share a lot of similarities.
ReplyDeleteSISI will not kill person with her writing, I have the delayed reaction button too with every news I remain expressionless at first and I love love my alone time but these days they are hard to come by.
ReplyDeleteSisi,i don't ur shy,I see you as bold and confident woman.and yes we have so many things in common. I hate maths,am shy,i love being alone most times,and don't like going out of bed my bed so early,i love staying in bed in the morning,meditating singing praises,reading a devotional book, praying and afterwards checking my phn.
ReplyDeleteOMG Even if you put a gun to my head I cannot calculate ooh eh Infact the minute you start talking in numbers, I go blank like I start thinking of something else.
ReplyDeletei cannot focus for long.
I can't swim as well and we wear the same show size,I love water,infact,i drink too much of it sometimes. Also love my own company and wish I would be a bit taller
ReplyDeleteI love you Sisi
ReplyDeleteI love foodddd